Friday, October 18, 2019

Internet and World Wide Web Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet and World Wide Web - Essay Example People from the late forties have been looking for a system of universal information database.The World Wide Web made such system possible where user of one computer can easily access information stored in the others through the worldwide network. The World Wide Web is based on the principle of universal readership according to which if information is available to a single individual it will be available to all. Internet and World Wide Web are two terms that are often used by many individuals interchangeably but in reality, the fact is that the two words though in similar use are not synonymous. They are related but conceptually and essentially might be differentiated. Internet is a massive infrastructure of networks, which might be popularized as the network of networks. Millions of computers are globally connected and communicate with each other through Internet. It forms a network in which any number of computers can communicate with each other as long as they remain connected thr ough the Internet. The variety of languages through which information is transformed in Internet is called protocols. There is no single owner of the Internet. A single firm or an organization does not control it entirely. Internet is rather a virtual framework than a physical entity that relies on the physical infrastructure connecting one network to the other. Different organizations, schools, Governments, private individual citizens, service providers, and corporations build their individual infrastructure. There are some organizations like the National Science Foundation, the Internet engineering task force, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Internet Network Information Centre (InterNIC) and the Internet architecture Board, who oversee and standardize the happenings on the Internet. They also assign IP address and domain names to the networks (Who Owns the Internet? 2010) The way of accessing information over the Internet is on the other hand called th e World Wide Web

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