Friday, October 4, 2019

External and Internal Marketing Environment Analysis of Nokia Essay

External and Internal Marketing Environment Analysis of Nokia - Essay Example On the other hand, micro-environment of a company is usually made up of the company’s customers, suppliers, competitors as well as the intermediaries. For example, the success of Nokia in terms of its growth and market leadership is largely attributed to the company’s effective management of the dynamics underlying the interactions between external and internal market factors. This is particularly evidenced by Nokia’s strategic position which has been primarily focused on keeping up with technology as well as the production of market oriented services. This paper critically analyzes Nokia’s marketing environment particularly the macro and micro-environmental factors affecting its marketing operations as well as a SWOT analysis of the company. Macro economic factors Macro-environment affecting Nokia Company include; technology, demographics, social, political and economic factors. Legal constraints (such as the G3 technology constraints that Nokia have to p ut into consideration) must be taken into account because many businesses aim to make a profit hence they are tempted to mislead their customers about prices, quality and the availability of the products. They may also cut expenditure by using lesser quality materials in their products (such as weaker materials for Nokia cases and batteries). When it comes to environmental, social and ethical factors Nokia have managed to be quite environmentally friendly and have not done anything that the consuming public may have taken huge to, they have been careful about this and this is one of the reasons they are such a popular brand of mobile phones. According to Lindholm(2003, p.301), Nokia’s marketing environment has grown immensely within the last decade. Moving into the Mobile World Nokia has remained... As the report declares the company’s primary goal is to develop excellent mobile products that will enable billions of people across the world to connect with each other through mobile communication. Currently one of the main challenges facing the company is the increasing competitive and dynamic market. Nokia has however remained as one of the leading mobile manufactures and other information and technology related software and games in east and central Europe. This paper stresses that Generally Companies often relate with two types of environment, Microenvironment and Macro environment. The microenvironment comprises the company’s marketing, customers and competitors and other the related forces which affect demand for a company’s goods. These forces include economics, demographics, technology, politics and culture. Macro-environment affecting Nokia Company include; technology, demographics, social, political and economic factors. Legal constraints (such as the G3 technology constraints that Nokia have to put into consideration) must be taken into account because many businesses aim to make a profit hence they are tempted to mislead their customers about prices, quality and the availability of the products. They may also cut expenditure by using lesser quality materials in their products. Moving into the Mobile World Nokia has remained committed to strong growth, profitability and responsible in market leadership.

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