Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Honeynets implementation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Honeynets implementation - Case Study Example To ascertain the effectiveness of the project in administering the foresaid role, I have done sufficient research about the reliability and convenience of the system in managing the task and have found it much viable and efficient. The research done covered a wide scope including monitoring and getting feedback with those already with the system. I have also done hypothetical hacking techniques and in all the cases, the project has proved beyond hacking. I therefore strongly recommend the project for your institution to cushion form such possible attempts. Best regards. Executive Summery During the month of February, we received a formal communication to design a system security than would be hackers proof since the existing one was frequently being intruded in. It did not provide a resistant guard to hackers. Following this communication, we designed a study to help the company in the following ways; I. Keeping intruders outside the production system in disguise while they think the y are inside the main production system. II. It recognizes any intrusion attempt. This is because any operation found within it can only be from an intruder. III. Cheaper to manage; it can be virtually supported as opposed to those that are physically supported. IV. Recognizing and storing the pattern taken by the intruders to help our experts advance a quick counter response. During the month of February, hackers intruded into the production line system of the company. As a result of the intrusion several information were altered within the production system and the company lost very crucial operational and management data. In this regard, the company is estimated to have lost about $ 150,000. As a result of our in depth feasibility study, we established the following criterion for the system to be adopted; a) Can be virtually supported b) It has significantly low cost of maintenance c) It gives the identity of the hackers d) It is difficult to penetrate by hackers In this regard, we want to confidently appeal for company’s management to ratify the new security system and engage it for the next six month during which they will observe the number of attempted hacking without success in the main system. It is at this time that it will prove inevitable to avoid. Abstract The need to prevent hackers from succeeding in their quest is one of the investments being done by most of the organizations. Organizations do invest in various systems that will ensure that their insider information is not leaked to the unauthorized persons or that the unknown does not manipulate the organization’s data. Various systems have therefore been floated in response to the conduct. The lingering question is the viability of the system employed to succeed in the intended purpose, we made a proposal to your organization in this regard where we intended to implement the Honeynet project. Research was done about this project in terms of how successful it is and the informati on collected is

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