Monday, September 16, 2019

My first trip

Immediately they unloaded Eider's shiny black Ford Focus, and headed to their hotel suite. Once they were inside they all picked out a room, and went to get a nights rest. Allison woke up before anyone else, so she went to make coffee. As the smell of the strong, coffee filled the suite, everyone began to awake. Dillon looked like half awaken zombie as he made his way to the kitchen. Allison poured everyone a cup of coffee, and turned on the TV Just as the breath taking image of snow fell across the screen. It seemed to be the weather forecast for that very day.They all began to listen carefully as the weather man described the windy, wet, and snowy day that was ahead of them. They couldn't help but cringe. Weather conditions like that make for a harsh day on the side of the mountain. Allison seemed to be out her daze and back into her own head again, as Dillon started laughing. â€Å"What's that funny' Allison replied. â€Å"The look of anxiety on your face, Just stay calm, today will be fine! † Dillon said. He was right, maybe not the ideal weather for skiing but they would still enjoy it. Before Allison could say anything, Dillon started digging through the gear on the table.Looking at the mound of gear thrown everywhere it reminded them of a post tornado. Jackets, boots, goggles, gloves, helmets, and bibs completely dispersed. Allison knew that her bright silver boots would stand out, she backed up and evaluated the whole table. Sure enough she found them. Dillon then started complaining about his bindings on his board and criticized the salesman for his lack of knowledge about the gear he sales. As the knocking noise of the ski-lift drifted through the mountains, they all held on carefully, looking down at all the steep, scary, slopes below them.This was Ellison's first time skiing, so she was extremely excited to try it out! While the ski-lift rocked back and forth Dillon, told Allison some advice for surviving the slopes on the mountain. She coul dn't pay attention because she was so ecstatic to ski that his advice went in one ear and out the other. They came to the top of the lift and Jumped off, Allison fell onto her back as her skis slide out from under her feet, while Dillon lidded smoothly down the slick little hill proceeding the lift.Allison stood up in time to see the shiny snow start to fall down on the slopes. She snapped her feet back into the skis and looked down at the terrifyingly, steep mountains. Allison took a deep slow breath, no turning back now. Ellison's adrenaline picked up and flew through her body faster than the speed of lightening. She was amazed and terrified all together. Going down slopes made her feel like she is floating on air. With the snow leaving fresh layers of white dust laying al about, it felt like being shot straight out of a rocket.The slopes seemed endless. Her goggles kept fogging up, and the thought of falling off the side of the mountain or hitting a tree kept crossing her mind. W ith her face covered in freezing ice, she tried to clear her goggles while keeping her balance. She hadn't learned to slow down or stop on her skis yet, and instantly regretted it. While she attempted to swerve around the other hundreds of skiers, her speed had picked up so much that she became afraid of the next couple of actions that could cake place on the gigantic slope.Gaining even more speed, and losing more balance, she knew that she would have to stop herself soon before the speed took over her body and became dangerous. Taking a huge breath in, trying to stop her skis she was flung forward out of her skis, tumbling down the horrific hill. Completely disoriented from the fall, she tried to stand up but her legs were shaking like an uncontrollable seizure. She was soaking wet from the beyond freezing snow that covered her whole body. Dillon quickly approached her, carrying her skis, along with his board; His face seemed terrified. Are you okay, Ally? † Dillon asked, â⠂¬Å"I'm fine, Just a little shaken up† replied Allison. She knew she couldn't give up, finally standing back up but still feeling wobbly from the accident, she gave it another try. Knowing things could have ended much worse, she attempted it over and over again, until she got it right. Even though she had fallen down multiple times, skiing couldn't compare to any other feeling in the world, and she had a great time on her first skiing adventure!

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