Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Chemical wast disposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chemical wast disposal - Essay Example It is a necessity that proper methods and techniques are needed to be employed for this disposal. Though, there are many ways of disposing this chemical waste, there are always drawbacks and disadvantages of these techniques and they tend to harm the immediate living environment in one way or another (Bergman et al 2008). It has been analyzed that the history of the disposal of waste roots to very olden times. In 500 B.C., the disposal of waste on the streets became prohibited and it was ordered that wastes should be disposed out of the city. The first reported usage of burning of waste as a method of disposal is recollected from the initial years of the first millennium in Palestine at an area which was known as Sheol. Following these time periods, different methods were introduced which included burning of wastes, dumping them in underground sites as well as disposing them in areas away from residential areas. Government provided interventions and created laws to cater to the prope r disposal of wastes (Williams 2005). ... There has been a great surge in the number of industries in this world. Furthermore, the advent of new technologies which include nuclear power has also resulted in the byproducts of these technologies which are radioactive and hence their disposal also poses problems. The last problem is the fact that with increased understanding of the environment, the human beings have come to realize the importance for saving the normal ecological structure of the world and to limit pollution to save the environment (Geophysics Research Forum 1984). There are many sources of chemical waste in today’s world. The byproducts and wastes from industries account for the major contributors. Other sources of the chemical wastes include the wastes from the mines in particular from the coal mines as well as the substances that are released due to combustion of substances which tend to lead to the release of chemical products. Chemical wastes are also produced via other sources which include the labo ratories, hospitals as well as centers of research. There are many methods and ways for the disposal of these chemical wastes. These include the burning of the wastes, disposal into water reservoirs, disposal into landfills and the provision of different treatments to the liquid forms of the waste to remove their toxicity. But the method that is chosen for the disposal of this chemical waste needs to be done in the most appropriate manner owing to the drawbacks that may result. The burning of a few chemical products results in the formation of gaseous chemical products that tend to enter the air and result in air pollution. This was indicated via a research in which the sewerage waste was burnt and resulted in the

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